Earn Money for Rancho Cañada PTA Programs Without Spending More Money!


There are a lot of ways to make contributions toward PTA Programs without spending additional money - and many times without even leaving your computer!!  Below are a number of ways to contribute.  Check back often as we add more options! Thanks for all you do to make our school great!



Register your Ralph’s Club Card and every time you shop 4% goes to Rancho Cañada PTA. Log into your Ralph’s Club Account or create a new account and log on (www.ralphs.com).

  • After logging in to Ralphs.com, Click “Savings & Rewards” tab - then “Ralphs Community Contribution Program“
  • Search for Rancho Cañada (code #IQ010) and click ENROLL

If you have already elected Rancho Cañada, your selection carried over this year! 


If you would like to speak to a Ralph's representative, please call 800/443-4438.